APS 13-BM-D Large Volume Press High-Pressure Program

Beamline Overview

The 13-BM-D station uses monochromatic and white X-ray beams from a bending magnet for X-ray Diffraction and Imaging measurements on samples at high-pressure in a multi-anvil press.




Yanbin Wang


Tony Yu


Tim Officer


Beamline specifications



X-ray Source

APS bending magnet


Double-Crystal Mono, water-cooled, Si(111)

Energy Range (keV)

4.5 to 100

Energy Resolution

1.3x10-4, typical

Typical Flux (Hz)

1x109 (10 keV)

Typical Beam Size

15 x 5 (H x V) μm to 50 x 4 (H x V) mm

Supported Techniques


  • Pilatus 3S 1M CdTe, 172 μm pixels.

  • MAR-165 CCD

  • Canberra single-element Ge detector

  • FLIR USB and 10G cameras

Additional Equipment

  • 250-ton multi-anvil press with DIA, deformation DIA, rotational Drickamer, T-cup tooling

  • Diamond anvil cell with on-line Brillouin spectroscopy

  • Laser Raman system online and in support laboratory; VIS and NIR spectroscopy online and in support lab

  • Laser Ultrasonic System in support lab

  • Sample preparatinon (laser cutting, micromanipulator, polishing, etc.)

Data Collection Software

Data collection is done with the Epics, IDL, and Python.

Data Visualization and Analysis Software

Data visualization is done with the Epics, IDL, and Python.

X-ray Source and Optics

13-BM-D uses a portion of the APS bending magnet fan. White beam can be used for X-ray diffraction measurements with the multi-anvil press. A combination of filters (aluminum and copper) and vertically deflecting mirror can be used for “pink beam” that can be used for imaging measurements in the multi-anvil press, or for tomography. Monochromatic beam from the double-crystal monochromator can also be used for imaging measurements in the multi-anvil press.

Sample Mounting and Environments

  • deformation DIA

  • rotational Drickamer

  • T-cup tooling

Making tooling for high pressure measurements.

Acoustic measurements?

Typical Paragraph for a publication

The following includes typical descriptions of the beamline that can be added to a paper. This is probably more than you need, so feel free to edit or select portions of this for main text or supplemental informations as appropriate, or ask the beamline staff for guidance.

This work used the beamline 13-BM-D at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory.